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When someone seeks medical treatment for an illness or injury at one of the many health care facilities in Texas, they may feel nervous about the procedure. This is completely normal and for most patients, everything does go as planned. But when something goes wrong, the patient may suffer from lifelong issues. Medical malpractice is a serious concern, but some hospitals are trying to reduce the chances of malpractice-related injuries by utilizing the latest in medical care technology. Once proven helpful, these advances may be used at facilities around the nation to keep patients safe and healthy. 

How this technology works 

Artificial intelligence changes rapidly and when used in health care settings, AI can be extremely helpful in preventing certain conditions and injuries. AI can be used to evaluate a patient’s prescribed medications to be sure there aren’t complications based on the patient’s history and use of other prescribed medications. Artificial intelligence is also used in risk assessment to help determine the right procedure based on the risks of each individual patient.  

When used in combination with traditional healthcare treatments, technology can aid in preventing post-surgical infections and sepsis. Technology can evaluate an individual’s EMR to determine if they are at risk for falling, developing blood clots, or reacting to certain medications. The future of healthcare technology can be used by providers to reduce preventable injuries and illnesses during treatment and recovery. 

Medical malpractice victims can suffer serious injuries 

Proper medical diagnosis and the utilization of technology can help prevent some medical malpractice injuries in Texas patients, but the system isn’t perfect. These types of injuries can be devastating and can leave one with medical bills, expenses related to loss of work, and changes to one’s way of life. When one is injured due to medical malpractice, they have the right to seek compensation through the civil justice system to help with recovery from those injuries.